Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Vista Blog Tips

Hey! did you know you can subscribe to feeds from your favourite blogs and have them show up in your sidebar? yep! Pretty cool eh? I work in a call center and we run Vista Ultimate on our computers. I happened to figure this out one day when the call volume was low.

It is really a cool thing to have when a little boredom hits. Nothing like keeping up with all the latest Stampers and Crafting blogs. If I can't be at home stamping in my office, I might as well read all about others who are at home, being creative, putting the ink to the paper and making Beautiful works of art for me to look at and envy.

so... wanna know how to subscribe? If you have Vista installed, the RSS feeds is either on your sidebar or you can add it. Then, when you browse to your favourite blog, click on the orange feed symbol up in the toolbar of your browser. A dialogue box will open and you can then add the blog to your list of feeds that comes in every day. It is probably a good idea to have a few subsriptions as only the latest updates from the sites show. If someone (like me) doesn't update very often, you won't get new content until the blog is updated.

Here is what the sidebar looks like, as you can see I am watching the temperature in Vernon, BC and in Honalulu, Hawaii. There are lots of other things you can add to your sidebar, check it out!

So, now you all know what I do when I am at work. Nice Job eh?

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